Chiropractic/Manual Therapy

At Chiro|Sport, Chiropractic & Sports Medicine our treatments aren't limited to the spine and can vary, including: multiple techniques of spinal & extremity adjustments, soft tissue work (ART, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, Dynamic Cupping, Dry Needling, Massage tools, & more), different types of taping (athletic, kinesio-tape, & Dynamic tape), and varying techniques of correctiv... Read More

At Chiro|Sport, Chiropractic & Sports Medicine our treatments aren't limited to the spine and can vary, including: multiple techniques of spinal & extremity adjustments, soft tissue work (ART, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, Dynamic Cupping, Dry Needling, Massage tools, & more), different types of taping (athletic, kinesio-tape, & Dynamic tape), and varying techniques of corrective exercise. We specialize in treating the rotational athlete and aim to improve their efficiency in sport to recover from injury or continue their pain-free performance.

Sports Recovery

This service includes: ART (Active Release Therapy), NormaTec Compression Therapy (legs, arms, hips), Massage Gun, Cupping or Dry Needling.

Performance Coaching

Our performance program includes movement assessment/screens, 3D Motion capture (KMotion), video analysis, and a power screen. Sometimes done separately, but better together.

Adam Freeman, DC, CCSP® Dr. Freeman specializes in working with athletes and the active population. In order to provide the best care possible for this population he has continued to seek out revolutionary techniques and certifications including: - Board Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician® (CCSP®) - Certified in Chiropractic Acupuncture - TPI™ (Titelst Performance Institute™ ) Medical Level 3, Junior Coach Level 2, Power Level 2 and ELDOA for Golf - OnBaseU™ Pitching Certified - Active Release Techniques® (ART) Full Body Certified - FAKTR - DNS A, B, and C - NKT (Neurokinetic Therapy) Level 1 + IMTAP - Graston Technique I + II

Adam Freeman, DC, CCSP® Dr. Freeman specializes in working with athletes and the active populatio... Read More

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Located at: 11321 South 147th Street, Suite 600, Omaha
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